
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2023

Gavkushon majmuasi

    Today we go to Gavkushon mosque .This releted to 16 century .It was build 1562-1565 . So build by     Abdullaxon II .During the we take more information and catch more picture .

Buxoro Amiri Saroyi

 Hello everone🤍 We going to Emir of Bukhara Palace . The Palace of Emir Bukhara in Kagan was complated in 1898 but was unused for a long time .The son of the Said Abdulhad Khan ,Said Alim Khan was become emir of Bukhara in 1910 and decieded to make the palace a venue accomadating high ranking guests.  So we catch many information abaut this pleace and shut many pictury

Jôybori Kalon Madrasasi

T oday we go to Juybori Kalon mosque .So we catch many emotion about woman education.Couse There are many girl and weman take knowladge about Islam univercity. In 1670 was build during a year . So we catch many picture and take relax from today.

amaliy san'at muzey

Hello everybody😇 Today we visited the museum of applied arts and got a lot of information. For example, on this site, children of different ages have their own copyrighted works of art.  But we were not allowed to take pictures but we were happy with a lot of information

Sayfiddin Caravansearai

  Hello ! We spent tima today in Sayfiddin Caravanserai.There are many atracctive things  , for example many handcfrafts and carpets stay from 19 centuy. Because, you know that Sayfiddin Caravanserai build in this period . Nowadays this please become tourostic please and atracted more tourist came fron forign .After the lesson we shot more picture from this please . we take more relax today . Thank you for your attention 🤍

Bahauddin Naqshband

  Hello ! Everyone 😃  Todoy we go to Baha-ud-din Naqshband. Tis plesae was spiritual adviser of the great Tameland and thought him to be modest ,decent and kind and famous Sufi 32 hajj pilgrimages to Mecca and today mausoleum is also a central Asia " Mecca" we today catch more relax from our practice ant shut more pictur from todays  thank you for attention👌


  Hello! Every one today we become in Ark it located in the centre of the city.There are more antient thing . For example we crosed with a mosque releted to fourt cetury. So Ark nowadays in 2000 years old . But some hisorical books more than 2000 age. This picture shot 20 metr from groun . Because, Ark  heva 20 or 25 metr.      😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

Nogay Carvanserai

                                    Nogai caravansarai          Today, our practice took place is now a touristic zone in this city.Nogai Carvansarai is a monument of cultural heritage in the historical of the Bukhara ,Uzbekistan . Many objects of the materila and cultural haritage of uzbekistan of included the national real estate property- state resources. Carvansarai tower is adjected to the wastern faced of the Saffaron shopping centre.                         It was built 1720-171.According to the information ,merchantsworked on the first floor of the building , and cloaks were sewn on the second floor. But second floor was destryoyed in eartquake.              So this is handcraft of Caravansarai our team be happy from today's practice so take more emotion and picture 😇