Nogay Carvanserai

                     Nogai caravansarai
  Today, our practice took place is now a touristic zone in this city.Nogai Carvansarai is a monument of cultural heritage in the historical of the Bukhara ,Uzbekistan . Many objects of the materila and cultural haritage of uzbekistan of included the national real estate property- state resources. Carvansarai tower is adjected to the wastern faced of the Saffaron shopping centre.
     It was built 1720-171.According to the information ,merchantsworked on the first floor of the building , and cloaks were sewn on the second floor. But second floor was destryoyed in eartquake. 
   So this is handcraft of Caravansarai

our team be happy from today's practice so take more emotion and picture 😇


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