Xo'ja Zayniddin masjidi

 We viset to Xo'ja zayniddin mosque📌

The history of the mosque over the subsequent centuries is murky. Badr and Tupev believe the first phase of painting inside the prayer hall probably took place in the late 16th century. It was subsequently redecorated, making extensive use of the kundal technique sometime in the 17th century, possibly between 1641-1660, as the paintings are stylistically similar to those found in Samarkand's Shir Dor Madrasa and the Tilla Kari. Coincidentally, both works in Samarkand were sponsored by the wealthy official Yalangtush Bi Alchin, who is known to have resided in Bukhara between the construction of the two monuments. This suggests—but does not prove—that he may have been responsible for the redecoration of the Hoja Zayniddin mosque along similar lines. Nothing is known of the fate of the mosque between Yalangtush Bi Alchin's era and the early 1900s. The final period of reconstruction (prior to modern activities) took place between 1913-15. A record of the reconstruction was carved in stone on a waterspout on the east side of the hauz, shown on the final image on this page.


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